Because He Lives

This past weekend I was able to go back to Fresno to perform a wedding. It was a really special time getting to be a part of special moment in someone’s life. What was so great about the whole trip though was being able to spend time with former youth and college group kids who have now become my friends. I kept calling Margaret Ellen to tell her how good it was to see so many of them and to be able to spend so much time with them. My cup is running over right now. 

It brought to mind what John Honey said in his 40 days of prayer video last week. He hit on how excited he is for Heaven. To be able to say hey and spend time with those who he has gotten to know here on earth. It’s going to be an amazing feeling to be able to say hey to those who have already passed from this life. It’s going to be amazing to say hello and give a big hug to those who we have spent so much time with here on this earth. It is going to be incredible!

The reason we have this hope is simple. It’s because of Christ’s resurrection. Yes, we have to be thankful for his willingness to come to this earth in the first place. Yes, we have to be thankful for his willingness to go to the cross and die for us. But, without the resurrection all of that means nothing. The resurrection not only shows us that Christ indeed is God in the flesh, but it also gives us hope that we too will be resurrected one day! What a hope that is! 

It gives us hope in the face of turmoil in our world. It gives us hope as a loved one is passing on from this world. It gives us hope when our time to leave this world comes. It gives us hope when there would not be any other way to have hope. Praise God for the resurrection!

One of my favorite moments of the weekend was going in to church and seeing the Laos congregation. I hadn’t told them that I was coming and when I walked in and saw the minister there was joy that filled my heart as we hugged and said hello. I can’t imagine the day we all will get to experience that feeling on a much grander scale with Christ in Heaven and it’s all because the tomb was found empty.

Joel Harper


Adding Scripture Back In Your Life


Overcoming Church Trauma